Sunday, January 24, 2010


I've watched AVATAR, F.I.N.A.L.L.Y!!!
I know I'm outdated~
Bcoz I got no time to go cinema watching it until yesterday. T.T
I hope it's not too late as I'm up to date right now!!

Well, I think just about everyone has had their say,
and I do not have that much to add to the discussion about the review of this outstanding movie.

Thanks to James Cameron. He deserves to be eagerly awaited, and hotly anticipated. Avatar, has become an epic movie to me, after Titanic, Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy and LOTR trilogy. It's one of the best movies that I've seen so far ^^

I love this movie and I guess I'm infected poison which is so-called the Blueman Virus.
Pandora is a wonderland, the waterfalls and foliage are just breath-taking!! Goshh..The CG is fantastic,double thumbs up for the visual effects!

I like Neytiri the most. She is beautiful, isn't she? =)

OMG! U know, I totally couldn't recognize that she was the one who played the pirate Anamaria in the 2003 film The Pirate of the Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl until I goggled about her.

Hmm, I also found that she looks a bit like Vanessa Hudgens with this pic~!Photobucket

Zoe Saldana

Disney Sweetheart~ Vanessa Hudgens

And I'm in love with the OST of this movie too.
The soundtracks are heavenly nice and amazing~!
I'm looking for the full album, anyone knows where to download it?

One more thing, currently addicted with the theme song of this movie~
3 simple words yet meaningful and inspiring.
Just love it.

♥ ♥ ♥

I would definitely watch this movie again, perhaps try 3D this time.

Monday, January 18, 2010

SS2: 终于买到票了

可是,太贵了。最后决定买RM238. (已经预jor会很高,到时是看蚂蚁 T.T)

这次不只是我和她而已,还有金恬和她姐,她姐的朋友以及她家人~ (据说那家全家都是SJ饭)
不得不提她们,其实我要谢谢她们,因为她们,我才更了解SJ。她们可是老妖精哦!(妖精是SJ粉丝的昵称,in English called as E.L.F, means Everlasting Friends)





有位来自泰国的饭,她向丽庄借了电话用一下,为了答谢丽庄,那位泰饭送了她和与她一同前来买票的朋友一人一支SJ在泰国代言的香水!而且瓶上是印有他门肖像的!丽庄向她要了印有韩庚肖像的,说要送给我!当我知道时,我真的很开心,很兴奋!丽庄,爱死你了!!! ♥♥♥♥♥

到了傍晚,我又再致电给她们,结果还是一样,排着队~~ =.=

几乎最先卖光就是RM458的。单单rock pitt 摇滚区才在第一天的售票就差不多扫完了,相信其他区的应该在接下来几天内就可以卖完了。恐怖,照理说这场所谓的预购是会持续2周左右的,2 月才开始在其他outlet售卖以及提供网购,但是第一天就交出这么漂亮的成绩单,几天后应该可以收档了吧~ SM,又再大赚一笔了。。



呵呵,我想以后我会时常更新和记载我对于这场演唱会的期待度,包括我的心情和准备去观看的过程,好让我留下美好的回忆。 对我而言,这绝对是2010年的重大事故哦!

p/s:话说我心还是想着rock pitt/RM458,毕竟是可以很近距离看到他们嘛~ 我怕到时我又再心痒痒,什么后悔之类的!算了,还是安慰自己,反正韩庚都不大可能会来了,所以不要再想了啦!Photobucket

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Miracle!! Dream comes true finally!!

People, Im so excited right now!!!
Because the moment that I've been waiting for ages..has come finally!!!!
My boys, Super Junior is coming to Malaysia to hold their Asia Tour Concert, Super Show 2!!!

That's unbelievable!!!
I never thought this would happen, but it happens, REALLY!
My dream come true! Yeah!!

Anyway, although I screamed for this wonderful surprise, I shouted for their coming, and yet I feel like crying at the same time. WHY? Because of my most favourite member of SJ, Hangeng. Will he be coming along? Don't forget that he has now filed a lawsuit against the stupid company, SME for the sake of his rights and health. Until now, he never appear in front of public or even attend any show, neither one. If he won the lawsuit, means that he wont be a part of SJ anymore. He will be going SOLO and back to China to self develop his career. OH NO!! No way!!
He cannot be like this. He must continue staying. I miss him heaps!!

Will he appear on the concert?! I truly hope so!
I really want to see him!!
I wanna see him dancing in front of me! >.<

韩庚 arr~~ 为什么你早不sue迟不sue偏偏在这个时候才来诉讼呢?!!
难得来大马开唱, 你一定要来!!! 我求求你!!



SUPER JUNIOR 320首次來馬開唱
韓流即將再次狂襲大馬,史上最大男子團體SUPER JUNIOR(簡稱SJ)確定于明年3月來馬開唱,為大馬哈韓族帶來他們的第二次亞洲巡回演唱會 “Super Show 2” 。

由REDSTAR PRESENTS榮譽主辦,MARCTENSIA為演唱會統籌,大馬華納音樂為唱片公司,“SUPER JUNIOR 2010亞洲巡回大馬演唱會Super Show 2”將于2010年3月20日(星期六)晚上7點假Putra Indoor Stadium, Bukit Jalil氣勢開唱。這將是SJ繼2006年担任前师兄东方神起大马演唱会嘉宾及2008年8月2日來馬參與于云頂舉辦的MTV Asia Awards 2008頒獎典禮后首次來馬舉辦大型演唱會,到時勢必載歌載舞跳躍大馬舞臺。

SUPER JUNIOR组合于2005年9月出道至今发行了19张不同的專輯,同時也在彈指間化身四个子团体- SUPER JUNIOR-K.R.Y.(成员圭贤、厉旭、艺声)、SUPER JUNIOR-T(成员利特、希澈、强仁、神童、晟敏、银赫)、SUPER JUNIOR-M(成员韩庚、始源、东海、厉旭、圭贤、周觅、Henry)、SUPER JUNIOR-Happy(成员利特、艺声、强仁、神童、晟敏、银赫),并同时进军不同领域如中國、臺灣及日本等市場,和谐的和声及合唱也都廣受各界好評。

另外,SUPER JUNIOR在早期的舞蹈编排上偏屬嘻哈舞蹈表演,演艺生涯里也少不了B-boy斗舞和表演。他们的舞风大致上可称为街舞,编舞主要是嘻哈成分,像 popping、waving、sliding、liquid dancing,尤其他们的亮点“泡泡糖摇滚”混合舞如《Miracle》和《宝蓝色》更被特別關注。

SUPER JUNIOR剛于2009年3月12日发行他們的第三張專輯《Sorry, Sorry》,專輯在預購周就已超過150,000張。他们在這張專輯中改走成熟风的造型,由少年走向男人。主打歌《Sorry, Sorry》也讓他们首次登上 Hanteo榜单的第一名,并在近年內以狂風掃落葉的姿態橫掃亞洲各大頒獎典禮的組合、人氣、歌曲等無數獎項,除了人氣賣氣極速躍升外,也頻頻受邀出國演出。

在這之后,SUPER JUNIOR已全力展開他們的第二次亞洲巡回演唱會“Super Show 2” ,而REDSTAR PRESENTS與MARCTENSIA也在第一時間邀請SUPER JUNIOR來馬開唱,一解本地哈韓族期盼一睹SJ live演唱會的渴望與憧憬。另外,這一次的SJ首次大馬演唱會勢必可以掀起星馬一代的韓流風熱潮, SJ成員也將各顯所長,于演唱會中展現最精湛的歌舞技與讓人嘆為觀止的動作演出。

為了讓SJ迷提早購買最好的位置,貼心的REDSTAR PRESENTS 與MARCTENSIA也特別準備了500張限量版大型海報回饋樂迷。凡在2010年1月18日(星期一)上午11點開始,至1月29日(星期五)期間親臨金河廣場6樓T-Hop潮流地帶(Greenbox Karaoke前面)的售票柜臺預購2張演唱會門票即可獲贈“SUPER JUNIOR 2010亞洲巡回大馬演唱會Super Show 2”演唱會限量版大型海報一張,以此類推,送完為止。
演唱會票價分別為RM138, RM238(對號入座)及RM458(對號入座或搖滾區)。所有粉絲若想共襄盛舉,親身一睹SUPER JUNIOR難得來馬開唱的現場魅力,即日起即可撥打MARCTENSIA 熱線:03-20921199、AXCESS熱線:03-77115000或瀏覽www.marctensia.com及

K-pop Super Boy band ‘Super Junior’ set to tour Malaysia in March

The K-Pop sensation continues to attack Malaysia with Super Junior, the biggest boy band group in the world to debut their Malaysia tour next March 2010 with their Super Junior, the 2nd Asia Tour, Super Show 2 Live in Malaysia 2010.

Organized by Redstar Presents, event managed by Marctensia and Warner Music as record label, Super Junior, the 2nd Asia Tour, Super Show 2 Live in Malaysia 2010 is set to kick off on Saturday, 20th March 2009, 7.00pm at Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. Super Junior last came to Malaysia for MTV Asia Awards 2008 but this time, it’ll be their first ever concert. The biggest boy band group will present their indisputable energy and showmanship on stage.

Super Junior started in September 2005, making it the biggest boy band group in the world. To date the boy band has released 19 albums that include soundtracks, etc. Due to different tier of demands, Super Junior is also further divided into sub-groups, namely Super Junior-KRY, Super Junior-M and super Junior-Happy that cater for different languages and market such as Korean, Japanese and Mandarin for fans of Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan and the whole of SEA. Not only that, Super Junior’s vocals as a group in acapella and harmonization are praised by the media.

One of Super Junior’s main attractions is their ultra-energetic dance choreography that embraces hip hop, street and break dancing that makes Super Junior a group of acclaimed b-boys that showcases their acclaimed techniques of popping, waving, sliding, liquid dancing, etc.; all featured in their MVs and live concerts.

To allow Super Junior fans to access concert tickets and grab the best seats, a pre-sale period will be held from Jan 18th, 11am onwards to Jan 29th, 2010. Concert ticket prices are categorized into RM138, RM238 (numbered seats) and RM458 (numbered seats and Rock Pitt). Fans can purchase tickets at T-Hop Zone, 6th Floor, Sungei Wang Plaza (in-front of Green-Box Karaoke). For every purchase of 2 tickets, fans shall be entitled to a limited edition giant poster, (500 pieces only) while stock last.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

SJ-M at Azio Entertainment (Pictures)

 台湾艺人侯佩岑的生日,日前韩国超人气团体Super Junior-M上她主持的《娱乐@亚洲》时,和制作单位串通好要给她一个生日惊喜,队长韩庚在受访时故意装生气拒录,连经纪人也来凑一脚连手骗主持人,让她当场泪洒摄影棚。直到团员们端出蛋糕后侯佩岑才发现,原来自己被耍了。

  “今日新闻”消息,侯佩岑和Super Junior-M曾有几面之缘,当时一接到要上侯佩岑节目接受专访时,他们就策画要给她一个意外的“骗局”!没想到出道以来从未被骗过的她这回真的吓傻了,当韩庚生气拒录时,她还频频询问是不是自己说错话。


  过了一会儿团员们陆续进棚录像,眼见苗头不对的侯佩岑极力想缓和现场气氛,还请团员们教她跳舞,没想到这时韩庚还不放过她,气呼呼的又叫大家不要录了,让她当场傻了。直到团员们将蛋糕送进来,她才恍然大悟知道自己被骗了,先是尖叫了好几声她才接着说,“真的被吓到了”,还亏韩庚真是演技太好了。在棚内欢度生日的她感性的许下愿望,她说,希望每个人都找到Super girl或是Super boy。

TRANSLATION (2010.01.02):

Kyuhyun: Onlooker

Patty: Is it really cooked?

Siwon: Try it first

Donghae: Stealing food

CR: Source: Azio Official site; Reuploaded by
Translated by viragis

我好想吃他包的水饺叻 rf

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I love this song so much!
It's composed and sung by one of the Super Junior members, Lee Donghae 李东海
The song is beautiful, the dance is beautiful, and he himself is also very beautiful!!
I like the dance part where he collaborated with Eunhyuk (1.35-2.14). omg! It was just simply perfect!


You are completely beautiful
I just can’t be without you, girl
You are completely beautiful
I just can’t be without you, girl

I think of what we were like when I first met you
Your bashful smile, your shy words, your cold hands
I thought of you every day
I couldn’t do anything (almost going crazy)

Unable to turn my gaze away
Like a fool, I could only lose myself in you
I want to walk together with you for a lifetime
I will protect you, I love you, oh love

Cause you are so beautiful
Let me gasp against your lips, to say this phrase, “I love you”
Cause you are so beautiful
Just stay by my side (you belong only to me)

My beautiful, my beautiful, oh oh
It’s fine if time stops like this; it’s fine if we grow old
I love you, I love you, thank you, thank you
Occasionally, when there is a quarrel
I will cry as I kiss your lips

Cause you are so beautiful
Let me gasp against your lips, to say this phrase, “I love you”
Cause you are so beautiful
Just stay by my side (you belong only to me)

I’ve only given her my everything
I will love you forever, oh

Cause you are so beautiful
I want your lips to belong only to me
Cause you are so beautiful
I will never let go of these hands I hold so tightly

Credit: meiface.livejournal

What can I say? The title says it all…