Friday, March 27, 2009
TVB soap opera~Emergency Unit
As I'm not a Astro On Demand subscriber, so I couldn't watch EU.
But then luckily I can watch it by using internet access.
I started watching it via PPS at 8.30pm
It was ended at 10.30pm.
The last 2 episodes, damn nice!
It was pretty cool and awesome!
Im satisfied with the ending!
"eng gai, kong sei hao~! U deserve it!"
But 苗乔伟(三哥) is still so cool and man indeed. Like his look all the time.
He is GEMINI too. Same as me.hehe
Another villian, Ah Zong, he died lastly. He deserved it! I hate him as he is so annoying! He seems like envy~ing whenever Sam Jie is getting together with Hao Gor. People say him as Gaylord. lolx...hahaa! Anyway, I quite like him in reality. King Kong is his name. He is one of the best hosts of TVB8.
Laughing's alive but Sam Jie was sacrified. Another victim. She shouldn't die. What a waste!
Laughing 哥 becomes Laughing Sir! I'll always remember your name. hehe! Waiting for you on the next episode! =)
Nothing special for Park Bridge but Ah Man returns to be a policeman back who is under Park Bridge. I wonder why he didnt get any compliment or any honour. Since Ah Man is also a smart and brave undercover too other than Mr. Laughing. Without him, Kong Sei Hao wont be caught.
Yao Yao left Ah Man at last. Little Princess should have got together with Lucky Prince. Haiz. Not a happy ending. But Im pretty sure that, she will be back on the 4th episode.
By the way, the real person who acts as Yao Yao (江若琳), she is a good singer. I like her songs too!
Poor Medicine Pot. Nobody bothers and cares about her. People keep criticizing her look and acting. haha! However, she is the second hottest people to be discussed after Laughing. Which means, she has already protrayed the role of Medicine Pot successfully. wahaha!
As a conclusion, I like this drama!!
Very nice.
People, whoever haven't watched it, it is highly recommended.
Then you will fully understand why this drama has been become the hot issue to be discussed recently.
Laughing哥番生片段 ~~~
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Pictures sharing
Taken on this morning, when I was on the way back to Penang.
Nice scene.
I felt like wanna touching the clouds. They looked like Popcorns~ hehe!
There is a song that related to clouds(which is sung by Justin Lo) is strongly recommended to u guys. Do click on and listen to it. ^^
Clouds - Justin Lo
但你已消失了 wow wow...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
近10万网民 悼念Laughing哥
昨日网上热爆话题是前晚无线剧集《学警狙击》讲述饰演在黑社会做卧底的Laughing哥(谢天华饰)殉职,他为完成破获制毒工场及拘捕黑社会大佬孝哥(苗侨伟饰)的重任,宁愿牺牲性命,为同是卧底的立文(吴卓羲饰)铺路上位。 自剧集播映以来,Laughing哥这个角色深受观众喜爱,他壮烈牺牲令网友依依不舍,昨日纷纷在网上设立悼念区,让网友向Laughing送上祭品、花圈表心意,至昨晚9时已有近10万人悼念;又有网友恶搞Laughing殉职的新闻报道,及指剧中角色谁要「一死以谢天华」?
留伏线 Laughing可以复生
不过有指Laughing哥根本未死,只是假死欺骗孝哥。监制黄伟声承认留有伏线,剧情没有交代Laughing的尸首下落。言下之意,若《学警》再开第4集,Laughing随时「死而复生」!谢天华亦自言是Laughing哥的fans,对网友支持感到开心。只是网友热捧,却未令收视有突破,Laughing死的时段收视为30点,超过190万人收看。 谢天华成功塑造Laughing哥一角,演绎生动具江湖味,演技出色备受赞赏,被网友推选是全剧最抢镜演员,更为他成立「Laughing哥」专区,及留言希望他不要死。不过前晚播映的剧情讲述孝哥要立文杀Laughing,两人原本假装打斗,谁料被不知袖裏的柏翘(陈键锋饰)开枪打中Laughing胸部,立文本想送Laughing往医院,但Laughing反要立文补一枪杀他,以求让立文获得孝哥信任。枪声响起时,镜头只影两人坐的车,然后便见到立文向孝哥展示满身鲜血的Laughing尸首,但往后没有镜头交代尸首如何处理?
谢天华古惑仔角色受热捧 剧中死去网友悼念2009年03月20日
本报讯 (记者 蔡丽怡 实习生 王晓雨)TVB艺人谢天华日前因为醉驾事件获判而引起关注,近日更因热播剧《学警狙击》中“Laughing哥”一角的出色演绎,一时人气爆棚,形成万千网友潮拜之势!他不仅被视为09视帝最佳人选,更有网友为其在facebook上开组群,成功吸引三万多人加入;而前晚(18日)播出的22集中,Laugh-ing哥被枪击殉职的一幕,引发激烈回响,有人发起“不准Laughing死签名区”,也有人提议无线乘势开拍《Laughing哥前传》,各大讨论区俨然成了laughing哥的专区。记者昨日致电《学警狙击》的监制黄伟声,他表示对“Laughing哥”一角受到如此热烈的回响“始料不及”,盛赞谢天华的出色演绎为这个原本将会更早死的配角加分,更称会考虑再拍《学警4》,为广大网友解开“Laughing哥”的真死假死之谜。Laughing哥在前晚播出的戏中遭枪击身亡后,各《学警狙击》讨论区默哀声一片,更有网友PS了Laughing哥遗像开追悼会,过路网友纷纷烧香拜祭,希望他可以葬在浩园。很多网友表示“没有laughing哥的日子,不再收看。”一部分网友入戏太深,不能接受Laughing哥去世的噩耗,凭借“死未见尸”猜测其未死,拉开真死假死的口水大战。另一部分网友则展开积极行动,联合签名要求TVB编剧让Laughing哥“死而复生”。还有网友开始声讨害死Laughing哥的真凶,欺骗感情的海味,直接开枪的柏翘,幕后黑手三哥,间接凶手药煲都被纳入声讨行列。监制独家回应 黄伟声:始料不及我听到很多声音,看到网民对他的死反应很大。我原本只想做一部警察戏,没想到这个古惑仔角色会回响这么大,始料不及!可能是观众对这个角色感到有惊喜。而且是传媒作祟,令这个角色真实的卧底身份和他将会死一早被曝光,令观众更加期待。有网友觉得他仍未死,不奇怪,因为未见他的尸体,而且我们又剪走了之前拍好的埋葬他及扔他进海的戏。我们想给观众一种悬念,给人猜测他死了还是没死,给大家一个希望。《Laughing哥前传》我们就不会拍了,但拍《学警4》的机会就会大点,因为有个悬念嘛,可能Laughing未死呢,可能有人救了他,可能有人把他藏起来的呢,大家越多想法,这个故事就越有讲下去的可能。
Hahaha! The pictures are fake. Forumers' prank.
But they looked real. right?
I know putting this post is quite touch wood, Anyway it's just for fun.
Dont be so serious to it. haha!
I found it in other forum so wanna share at here.
By the way, I feel so down after watching the episode 22 of E.U.
Laughing has died. He shouldn't die. I hate Kong Sei Hao and Pak Kiu!
Now the people keep blaming Park Bridge (Pak Kiu) and Medicine Pot (Yuok Bou).
If they din get married, Park Bridge wont go to that rural place, and discover them.
I know Pak Kiu shot Laughing is because he wanted to rescue Ah Man as he thought Laughing hurting Ah Man.. he didnt know that that was just an acting between Laughing and Ah Man.
So, it's forgivable.
But I still couldn't accept his dead. Haiz~
Hmm somehow, I damn like (Ron Ng) Ah Man's crying scene!!
So handsome, natural and touching!!
Not like Lam Fung who acts as Gun Kar Zai in Moonlight Resonance~ His crying like a kid~!
昨日网上热爆话题是前晚无线剧集《学警狙击》讲述饰演在黑社会做卧底的Laughing哥(谢天华饰)殉职,他为完成破获制毒工场及拘捕黑社会大佬孝哥(苗侨伟饰)的重任,宁愿牺牲性命,为同是卧底的立文(吴卓羲饰)铺路上位。 自剧集播映以来,Laughing哥这个角色深受观众喜爱,他壮烈牺牲令网友依依不舍,昨日纷纷在网上设立悼念区,让网友向Laughing送上祭品、花圈表心意,至昨晚9时已有近10万人悼念;又有网友恶搞Laughing殉职的新闻报道,及指剧中角色谁要「一死以谢天华」?
留伏线 Laughing可以复生
不过有指Laughing哥根本未死,只是假死欺骗孝哥。监制黄伟声承认留有伏线,剧情没有交代Laughing的尸首下落。言下之意,若《学警》再开第4集,Laughing随时「死而复生」!谢天华亦自言是Laughing哥的fans,对网友支持感到开心。只是网友热捧,却未令收视有突破,Laughing死的时段收视为30点,超过190万人收看。 谢天华成功塑造Laughing哥一角,演绎生动具江湖味,演技出色备受赞赏,被网友推选是全剧最抢镜演员,更为他成立「Laughing哥」专区,及留言希望他不要死。不过前晚播映的剧情讲述孝哥要立文杀Laughing,两人原本假装打斗,谁料被不知袖裏的柏翘(陈键锋饰)开枪打中Laughing胸部,立文本想送Laughing往医院,但Laughing反要立文补一枪杀他,以求让立文获得孝哥信任。枪声响起时,镜头只影两人坐的车,然后便见到立文向孝哥展示满身鲜血的Laughing尸首,但往后没有镜头交代尸首如何处理?
谢天华古惑仔角色受热捧 剧中死去网友悼念2009年03月20日
本报讯 (记者 蔡丽怡 实习生 王晓雨)TVB艺人谢天华日前因为醉驾事件获判而引起关注,近日更因热播剧《学警狙击》中“Laughing哥”一角的出色演绎,一时人气爆棚,形成万千网友潮拜之势!他不仅被视为09视帝最佳人选,更有网友为其在facebook上开组群,成功吸引三万多人加入;而前晚(18日)播出的22集中,Laugh-ing哥被枪击殉职的一幕,引发激烈回响,有人发起“不准Laughing死签名区”,也有人提议无线乘势开拍《Laughing哥前传》,各大讨论区俨然成了laughing哥的专区。记者昨日致电《学警狙击》的监制黄伟声,他表示对“Laughing哥”一角受到如此热烈的回响“始料不及”,盛赞谢天华的出色演绎为这个原本将会更早死的配角加分,更称会考虑再拍《学警4》,为广大网友解开“Laughing哥”的真死假死之谜。Laughing哥在前晚播出的戏中遭枪击身亡后,各《学警狙击》讨论区默哀声一片,更有网友PS了Laughing哥遗像开追悼会,过路网友纷纷烧香拜祭,希望他可以葬在浩园。很多网友表示“没有laughing哥的日子,不再收看。”一部分网友入戏太深,不能接受Laughing哥去世的噩耗,凭借“死未见尸”猜测其未死,拉开真死假死的口水大战。另一部分网友则展开积极行动,联合签名要求TVB编剧让Laughing哥“死而复生”。还有网友开始声讨害死Laughing哥的真凶,欺骗感情的海味,直接开枪的柏翘,幕后黑手三哥,间接凶手药煲都被纳入声讨行列。监制独家回应 黄伟声:始料不及我听到很多声音,看到网民对他的死反应很大。我原本只想做一部警察戏,没想到这个古惑仔角色会回响这么大,始料不及!可能是观众对这个角色感到有惊喜。而且是传媒作祟,令这个角色真实的卧底身份和他将会死一早被曝光,令观众更加期待。有网友觉得他仍未死,不奇怪,因为未见他的尸体,而且我们又剪走了之前拍好的埋葬他及扔他进海的戏。我们想给观众一种悬念,给人猜测他死了还是没死,给大家一个希望。《Laughing哥前传》我们就不会拍了,但拍《学警4》的机会就会大点,因为有个悬念嘛,可能Laughing未死呢,可能有人救了他,可能有人把他藏起来的呢,大家越多想法,这个故事就越有讲下去的可能。
Hahaha! The pictures are fake. Forumers' prank.
But they looked real. right?
I know putting this post is quite touch wood, Anyway it's just for fun.
Dont be so serious to it. haha!
I found it in other forum so wanna share at here.
By the way, I feel so down after watching the episode 22 of E.U.
Laughing has died. He shouldn't die. I hate Kong Sei Hao and Pak Kiu!
Now the people keep blaming Park Bridge (Pak Kiu) and Medicine Pot (Yuok Bou).
If they din get married, Park Bridge wont go to that rural place, and discover them.
I know Pak Kiu shot Laughing is because he wanted to rescue Ah Man as he thought Laughing hurting Ah Man.. he didnt know that that was just an acting between Laughing and Ah Man.
So, it's forgivable.
But I still couldn't accept his dead. Haiz~
Hmm somehow, I damn like (Ron Ng) Ah Man's crying scene!!
So handsome, natural and touching!!
Not like Lam Fung who acts as Gun Kar Zai in Moonlight Resonance~ His crying like a kid~!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I feel so sad now.
My 10 bucks is gone!!!
I dropped RM10 accidentally when I was out for dinner juz now.
It was so unexpected!
I din really realize it until I wanted to pay for the meal.
Really upset now....
I have told my mom, she din blame me. And she also asked me not to think too much.
But I feel so guilty and keep blaming myself for my carelessness!!
Good Night people.
P/s: 江直树,快来救我吧!要是你明天来帮我考试就好。。
My 10 bucks is gone!!!
I dropped RM10 accidentally when I was out for dinner juz now.
It was so unexpected!
I din really realize it until I wanted to pay for the meal.
Really upset now....
I have told my mom, she din blame me. And she also asked me not to think too much.
But I feel so guilty and keep blaming myself for my carelessness!!
Good Night people.
P/s: 江直树,快来救我吧!要是你明天来帮我考试就好。。
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Week 6- Tests Week!
It's week 6 now.
Time flies, few weeks been passed rapidly.
2 more months left.
Anticipating the day of graduation. hehee.
I've been relaxing for couple of weeks, therefore, tests are coming to me now.
I hate tests!
I will be having 2 tests this week.
Management Accounting is on Tuesday while the other one, Finance subject will be held on Thursday. Yoorrr.... Tax mia hasnt come yet.
By the way, this sem isn't as hectic as previous sem.
Although the subjects in this sem are tough but I still can cope with them.
Unlike last 2 sems, I just felt irritated and stressful because of the law.
The books were thick like hell, moreover I had to refer lots of resourse books while doing the assignments. Not only this, I had to keep reading and also interpreted every single word for each sentence..Fed Up~! Pheww..Luckily I no longer face this subject anymore. Im thankful that I passed this subject. hehee.
Okay, got to stop crapping now.
Wish me Luck to my coming tests.
And wish my Inti-mates do well in the tests too!
Time flies, few weeks been passed rapidly.
2 more months left.
Anticipating the day of graduation. hehee.
I've been relaxing for couple of weeks, therefore, tests are coming to me now.
I hate tests!
I will be having 2 tests this week.
Management Accounting is on Tuesday while the other one, Finance subject will be held on Thursday. Yoorrr.... Tax mia hasnt come yet.
By the way, this sem isn't as hectic as previous sem.
Although the subjects in this sem are tough but I still can cope with them.
Unlike last 2 sems, I just felt irritated and stressful because of the law.
The books were thick like hell, moreover I had to refer lots of resourse books while doing the assignments. Not only this, I had to keep reading and also interpreted every single word for each sentence..Fed Up~! Pheww..Luckily I no longer face this subject anymore. Im thankful that I passed this subject. hehee.
Okay, got to stop crapping now.
Wish me Luck to my coming tests.
And wish my Inti-mates do well in the tests too!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Sick T.T
I'm sick now.
Have been starting fever last 2 days ago, as well as sore troat.
By the way, thank god I'm feeling better now after taking some medicines.
Unlike yesterday, stim stim whole day and also puked twice~
Hope to get well before going back to Penang's house. ^^
Have been starting fever last 2 days ago, as well as sore troat.
By the way, thank god I'm feeling better now after taking some medicines.
Unlike yesterday, stim stim whole day and also puked twice~
Hope to get well before going back to Penang's house. ^^
Sunday, March 1, 2009
My Music Man's coming soon!
Dang Dang Dang Dang....
After a long wait for 2 years,
Leehom's coming on 2th May!!
I was receiving a sms from my dearest friend, Li Chuang in this early morning.
I was totally shocked when I saw the message!
She wrote this to me,
" Hey, u c newspaper d? Leehom Malaysia Concert will be held on 2th May!! ....The fans club got any info or not?....if I want to buy ticket, can I buy through u or not?.."
I quickly go and see through the newspaper but I didnt see anything. Then I called Jojo and told her about this. She then confirmed with me the info via Leehom's Malaysia Fan Club. I was like~~~feeling damn excited but worried also. The ticket price is freaking expensive!!!! I got no $$$ to buy it. According to my previous experience, if you wan to see a enjoyable concert, it's advisable to buy the expensive seating. If not, you will only can see ANTS and TOILETS! Lolzzz~ Arghhh!
I'm still considering whether or not to buy the expensive seating instead of cheaper one. Haix.. Anyway, I'm so happy knowing that he is coming to hold concert! Waoo..Errr, sometimes there is something really unpredictable. Like last night I just discussed with Yen Shan saying that why he didnt come here to hold a concert for ages long?! We wondered why and anticipated his coming..But then, who knows, I received the news about his concert in the next morning!
Concert Info:
Date : 2nd May 2009
Venue : Bukit Jalil National Stadium (Outdoor)
Ticket Price : (Numbered Seating) VVIP RM600.00 (6th to 12th Row) / RM398.00 / RM318.00 / RM268 / RM198 / RM138 / (Free Seating) RM88Public
Sale : 1st March 2009
Pretty sure that I'm going~! Anticipating...
In order to see him, saving money and cut cost are my targets now!
“巴哈姆特是出自爱尔兰大师Alistair之手。”银河集团企划组执行总监Alan Chan介绍说。“这场演唱会将会是马来西亚今年所有音乐盛会中最受期待、最与众不同、最引人注目的一场”。
该演唱会由Boston–Hongkie F&B连锁餐厅联合出品,并由马来西亚旅游局全力支持。门票分为398令吉,318令吉,268令吉,198令吉和138令吉(对号入座)还有88令吉(自由入座)。适逢今年是银河集团15周年庆,为了回馈一路以来支持的忠实顾客,银河集团将送出现金折券优惠。凡购买2张《MUSIC-MAN王力宏大马演唱会》入场券,每购满100令吉,即可获得15令吉现金折券1张,以作为下次购买任何银河集团在2009年内所举办的演唱会门票折扣之用。此现金折券只限于在银河办公室购买门票的顾客才可获得。《MUSIC-MAN王力宏大马演唱会》现已开始售票。需要提前订票的朋友,请拨银河热线 03-22822020 或登陆银河网站: 订购或查询详情。
After a long wait for 2 years,
Leehom's coming on 2th May!!
I was receiving a sms from my dearest friend, Li Chuang in this early morning.
I was totally shocked when I saw the message!
She wrote this to me,
" Hey, u c newspaper d? Leehom Malaysia Concert will be held on 2th May!! ....The fans club got any info or not?....if I want to buy ticket, can I buy through u or not?.."
I quickly go and see through the newspaper but I didnt see anything. Then I called Jojo and told her about this. She then confirmed with me the info via Leehom's Malaysia Fan Club. I was like~~~feeling damn excited but worried also. The ticket price is freaking expensive!!!! I got no $$$ to buy it. According to my previous experience, if you wan to see a enjoyable concert, it's advisable to buy the expensive seating. If not, you will only can see ANTS and TOILETS! Lolzzz~ Arghhh!
I'm still considering whether or not to buy the expensive seating instead of cheaper one. Haix.. Anyway, I'm so happy knowing that he is coming to hold concert! Waoo..Errr, sometimes there is something really unpredictable. Like last night I just discussed with Yen Shan saying that why he didnt come here to hold a concert for ages long?! We wondered why and anticipated his coming..But then, who knows, I received the news about his concert in the next morning!
Concert Info:
Date : 2nd May 2009
Venue : Bukit Jalil National Stadium (Outdoor)
Ticket Price : (Numbered Seating) VVIP RM600.00 (6th to 12th Row) / RM398.00 / RM318.00 / RM268 / RM198 / RM138 / (Free Seating) RM88Public
Sale : 1st March 2009
Pretty sure that I'm going~! Anticipating...
In order to see him, saving money and cut cost are my targets now!
“巴哈姆特是出自爱尔兰大师Alistair之手。”银河集团企划组执行总监Alan Chan介绍说。“这场演唱会将会是马来西亚今年所有音乐盛会中最受期待、最与众不同、最引人注目的一场”。
该演唱会由Boston–Hongkie F&B连锁餐厅联合出品,并由马来西亚旅游局全力支持。门票分为398令吉,318令吉,268令吉,198令吉和138令吉(对号入座)还有88令吉(自由入座)。适逢今年是银河集团15周年庆,为了回馈一路以来支持的忠实顾客,银河集团将送出现金折券优惠。凡购买2张《MUSIC-MAN王力宏大马演唱会》入场券,每购满100令吉,即可获得15令吉现金折券1张,以作为下次购买任何银河集团在2009年内所举办的演唱会门票折扣之用。此现金折券只限于在银河办公室购买门票的顾客才可获得。《MUSIC-MAN王力宏大马演唱会》现已开始售票。需要提前订票的朋友,请拨银河热线 03-22822020 或登陆银河网站: 订购或查询详情。
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