Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wedding Dinner @ Gurney Hotel

Just came back from my relative's wedding dinner
Quite boring as my sis was not accompanying me
Due to she was unable to attend the dinner

I kept contact with vian to get the latest news about the TVB Award during the dinner
Congrates to Hong Yee and Jo Bao! They deserved the award! prediction is so accurate yea! ahha!!

People! My Ah Sheh is damn pretty in that event!
The prettiest Sheh that I've ever seen!!!!
Sexy! Elegance!! Beautiful!!!!
I'll post up some of her pics when I'm free.
Stay tuned~!

Okay, have to start my revision already
Have gone out whole day, din do any revision..feeling guilty now..

Bye people,
Will not be here from now onwards till I finish my exam
See u!
Before saying tata,
Here are some pics which to be shared ....
Do take a look yea

Taken Pre- dinner~ =)

This is my beloved dad and mom

This is my aunt..ShenShen..she looks like my sis right?

My sisters.. ^^
With my mom again

Cutie 1

Cutie 2

Cutie 3

Two cuties :D

My parents and my little bro

My bro and my cousin, dai kor zai..haha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u looks pretty...=)