台湾长相可爱的27岁留法女学生杨雅晴,今年暑假展开“在巴黎吻百个男人”行动。从金发碧眼到黑人,从男模到清洁工,甚至是秃头凸肚男,均是索吻对象。目前,杨雅晴已成功向54个男人索吻,而其记录吻戏的网络博客也一夕暴红。在法国进修音乐硕士班的杨雅晴在她的博客上表示,三年前曾突发奇想要跟一百个人亲嘴,并且拍照存证。当她把想法告诉友人后,有人说她疯了,“这跟和100 个人上床有甚么两样?你有这么饥渴吗?”他们认为这种行为跟荡妇女巫没差别,杨雅晴因此压抑念头。 在巴黎留学近两年,今年夏天杨雅晴又浮起吻百个男人的狂想。她觉得虽然留学两年可拿到文凭,但缺少了让她“永远自豪的丰硕成果”。在“我想要的,我都有勇 气、有能力实现”的想法下,她毅然实行“在巴黎吻百个男人”,并找来摄影师拍照,准备将经历出书。
杨雅晴在博客中留言:我很感谢支持我的家人、朋友,给我的鼓励,这些温暖会一直留在我心里、我身旁,也很感谢愿意留言表 示支持的网友,尤其是留公开留言的朋友,很谢谢你们,最后,我最想要感谢的是我的摄影师向振华,很谢谢你陪我走这个计划,很谢谢有你在!今天不好过是没有 错,但……热潮后,天空还是蓝的,云也还是白的,地球照样转,而这些都会退去。
暂不愿接受采访的杨雅晴在博客中记录,行动开始后,她曾两周吻过35名陌生男子,最让网友羡慕是吻到一名超俊帅男模。与她亲吻的多数是金发帅哥,但也有清洁工、秃头凸肚男。而与第48名男子亲吻时,还被对方偷咬嘴唇,杨形容“蛮有趣的感觉”。Lolz..I'm speechless.
After reading her blog, I found that..
Some people might think that she is crazy, but some people admire her bravery.
Some readers anti her whereas some support her.
For me, it's quite interesting to me. Just read it for fun.
As we know that, there are various kind of people in this world..
She isn't crazy~ I guess that it's type of ART in her own perspective.
But just wondering that H1N1 is so serious nowadays, she still dares to do so?
By the way, her blog is really interesting.
Do take a look if you're interested.
Need to mention that, the photographer is so pro in taking those pictures. The pictures look so artistic and romantic. Nice!